479 BC: The Tegeans are distinguished in the battle of Plataeai.
475 BC: Tegea tries to keep distance from the Peloponnesian League. Tegea and Argos form an alliance. They are defeated by Sparta in the battle of Tegea.
470 BC: After a failed expedition, the Spartan King Leotychidas, the winner of the battle of Mycale, flees to the temple of Alea and asks for asylum.
469 BC: Significant victory of the Spartans in the battle of Dipaea. Tegea and the Arcadian coalition capitulate.
464 BC: Mantinea is resettled on the instigation of the Argives. Tension between Tegea and Mantinea.
431 BC: During the Peloponnesian War, Tegea as a member of the Peloponnesian League sides with Sparta.
423 BC: Conflict between Tegea and Mantinea.
421 BC: Refusal of Tegea after the conclusion of the Peace of Nicias to participate in a coalition against Sparta.
418 BC: Βattle of Mantineia: Sparta and Tegea defeat the allied Argives, Athenians and Mantineians.
415 BC: The Tegeans participate in the Sicilian Expedition under the Spartan Gylippus.
396 BC: Tegea participates in Agesilaus’ expedition to Asia Minor.
370 BC: With the support of Tegea and Mantineia, the Arcadian Confederation is formed. Megalopolis is founded. In the following years, the foreign policy of Tegea is adapted to the new status-quo. A “stasis” (internal conflict, civil strife) occurs in Tegea.
364 BC: Conflict between the Arcadians and the Eleans over the disputed territory of Triphylia. After their victory in a battle, the Arcadians assume control of the sanctuary at Olympia. The Tegeans and the Mantineans dispute over the treasure of the sanctuary.
363 BC: Conference of Tegea and splitting of the Arcadian League. Bipolarity: Tegea and Mantinea.
362 BC: Bipolarity (Tegea - Mantineia) will be further strengthened. The synoikism of Megalopolis is at risk. The Tegeans take up military action.
346 BC: The Peloponnesians, except the Lacedaemonians, ally with Philip II, who warns Sparta to abstain from any hostile action.
338 BC: Philip II proceeds to border settlements in the Peloponnese. Sparta is weakened. Tegea is given Caryai and Skiritis. Megalopolis is given Velemina. Argos regains Thyreatis and the entire Kynouria.
332 BC: During the expedition of Alexander ΙΙΙ (the Great) to the East, the Tegeans conclude an alliance with Sparta and rebel against the Macedonians. The joint allied Peloponnesian forces fail to siege Megalopolis. Antipater suppresses the insurrection.
Συντελεστές του Ιστοχώρου
Επίβλεψη, Επιστημονική Τεκμηρίωση και Επιμέλεια Περιεχομένου: Γρηγορακάκης Γρηγόρης (ΛΘ΄ΕΠΚΑ )
Επιστημονική Τεκμηρίωση και Καλλιτεχνική Επιμέλεια Χαρτογραφικών Αναπαραστάσεων: Τσάτσαρης Ανδρέας (ΤΕΙ Αθηνών), Γρηγορακάκης Γρηγόρης (ΛΘ΄ΕΠΚΑ)
Ανάπτυξη Βάσης Αρχαιοχωρικών Δεδομένων «Καλλιστώ»: Τσάτσαρης Ανδρέας (ΤΕΙ Αθηνών), Γρηγορακάκης Γρηγόρης (ΛΘ΄ΕΠΚΑ), Σκουλουφιανάκης Δημήτρης (ΓΕΩΘΕΣΙΑ ΕΠΕ)
Καλλιτεχνική Επιμέλεια και Ενημέρωση Περιεχομένου: Καρέγλη Σταματία (ΓΕΩΘΕΣΙΑ ΕΠΕ)
Τεχνική και Λειτουργική Επιμέλεια Ιστοχώρου: Διβάνης Γιώργος, Αχλιόπτας Ιωάννης (ΓΕΩΘΕΣΙΑ ΕΠΕ), Ιωαννίδης Παναγιώτης (Σύμβουλος, Αρχιτέκτων Λύσεων Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής)
Κείμενα, Σχεδιάση - Εμφάνιση Ιστοχώρου: Γρηγορακάκης Γρηγόρης (ΛΘ΄ΕΠΚΑ )
Γλωσσική Επιμέλεια Κειμένων – Μεταφράσεις: Γρηγορακάκης Γρηγόρης (ΛΘ΄ΕΠΚΑ ), Θεοχάρης Γιώργος: Αγγλικά, Χειλακέας Αντώνης (ΓΕΩΘΕΣΙΑ ΕΠΕ): Γερμανικά
Πανοράματα & Laser Scanning: ΓΕΩΘΕΣΙΑ ΕΠΕ
Βιντεοταινία: Βρακότας Χρήστος (Spacetravels), Κάππος Γεώργιος (ΛΘ΄ΕΠΚΑ), Πέλλα Παπαβασιλείου (Μουσική)
Φωτογραφίες: Πατέρας Βασίλης
Λογότυπο Μουσείου: Παπακωνσταντόπουλος Ηλίας
Website Credits
Supervision, Documentation and Content Editor: Grirorakakis Grigoris (39th EPCA )
Documentation and Art Direction of Cartographic Representation: Tsatsaris Andreas (ΤΕΙ of Athens), Grigorakakis Grigoris (39th EPCA)
Development of Archaeospatial Database «Kallisto»: Tsatsaris Andreas (ΤΕΙ of Athens), Grigorakakis Grigoris (39th EPCA), Skouloufianakis Dimitris (GEOSET LTD)
Art Direction and Content Update: Karegli Stamatia (GEOSET LTD)
Technical and functional editing of website: Divanis Giorgos, Achlioptas Ioannis (GEOSET LTD), Ioannidis Panagiotis (Consultant, Information Technology Solutions Architect)
Documentation, Design - Appearance of website: Grigorakakis Grigoris (39th EPCA)
Language editing of Documentation – Translations: Grigorakakis Grigoris (39th EPCA), Theocharis Giorgos: English, Cheilakeas Antonis (GEOSET LTD): German
Panorama & Laser Scanning: GEOSET LTD
Video: Vrakotas Christos (Spacetravels), Kappos Georgios (39th EPCA), Pella Papavasileiou (Music)
Photos: Pateras Vasilis
Museum logo: Papakonstantopoulos Elias
Webseite Beiträger
Aufsicht, wissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Betreuung des Inhalts: Grirorakakis Grigoris (39. BPKA)
Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation und künstlerische Betreuung der chartographischen Wiedergaben: Tsatsaris Andreas (ΤΕΙ of Athens), Grigorakakis Grigoris (39. EPCA)
Entwicklung der Basis "Callisto" für antike räumliche Daten: Tsatsaris Andreas (Fachhochschule Athen), Grigorakakis Grigoris (39. BPKA), Skouloufianakis Dimitris (GEOSET LTD)
Künstlerische Betreuung und Aktualisierung des Inhalts: Karegli Stamatia (GEOSET LTD)
Technische und funktionale Betreuung der Website: Divanis Giorgos, Achlioptas Ioannis (GEOSET LTD), Ioannidis Panagiotis (Berater, Information Technologie Lösungen Architekt)
Texte, Design - Aussehen der Website: Grigorakakis Grigoris (39. BPKA)
Sprachliche Betreuung der Texte – Übersetzungen: Grigorakakis Grigoris (39. BPKA), Theocharis Giorgos: Englisch, Cheilakeas Antonis (GEOSET LTD): Deutsch
Panorama-Bilder & Laser Scanning: GEOSET LTD
Videoband: Vrakotas Christos (Spacetravels), Kappos Georgios (39. BPKA), Pella Papavasileiou (Musik)
Museumslogo: Papakonstantopoulos Elias